Poems of Progress
David Devaney shares his reflections about his journey with the Southern Louisiana Veterans Health Care System’s MOVE! Program by writing poetry.
This poem’s special message to his MOVE! team:
"Thank you for caring so much!"
So Much
A MOVE! Inspired Epiphany
I find it most remarkable,
That "MOVE!" has shown the way.
To seek, then find true wellness.
And love myself each day
I've been a habit creature,
Oblivious and lost.
Have wandered aimlessly through time,
My health, the greatest cost.
And then came the epiphany,
From friends, who truly care.
Through knowledge with commitment.
I'd end my great despair.
So I listened and I understood,
To find now, real success.
This journey would be difficult,
Yet still my heart caress.
And though the hills are long and steep,
I'm focused on my goal.
Of finding health and happiness,
In body, mind and soul.
Because of "MOVE!", I am!
David 09/01/2023
Epiphany: A moment of sudden inspiration or insight.