Poems of Progress
David Devaney shares his reflections about his journey with the Southern Louisiana Veterans Health Care System’s MOVE! Program by writing poetry.
So Easily Gratefully Acknowledged
So easily the pounds do come,
Yet, slowly fade away.
It takes true, "MOVE! Awareness"
Most every single day.
So quickly weight accumulates,
On this I can rely.
Ounce by ounce and inch by inch,
I need not even try.
With failure comes frustration,
With victory, success.
When focused and committed,
I find true happiness.
If supported, I'm meticulous.
Applying what I've learned.
With luck, I’ll do it on my own,
Though no degree is earned.
So today to "MOVE!" I'm grateful,
For what I did achieve.
The knowledge and the focus,
To, in myself, believe.
A New Beginning
Always With Support