Dancing His Way to Better Health
Robert Hicks redefined his lifestyle and dedicated himself to small changes that helped him reach his goals
With the help of the MOVE! team at the VA Amarillo Healthcare System in Amarillo, TX, Robert gained a new perspective and lost weight.
Taking Another Chance
Robert explains that his difficulty maintaining a healthy weight was a longstanding issue. "I gained a lot of weight after a medication-caused stroke," he shares. Before starting the MOVE! Weight Management Program for Veterans, Robert was struggling with many aspects of health. "Being heavy, depressed, poor body image… pain, and limited movement" combined to make Robert’s life difficult. He tried reaching a healthy weight with the help of MOVE! on two prior occasions, and while he did make progress, he always reached a plateau in his journey to better health. Finally, in 2020, he resolved to stick with MOVE! for good.
[MOVE!] works! You will get out of it what you put in.
Robert Hicks
Making a Plan
For Robert, MOVE! was a chance to adjust his lifestyle to help him on his path to better health. "Accountability [and] information on how to change" were just two of the main benefits he found in attending MOVE! group sessions with other Veterans. "I learned so much from MOVE!," Robert recalls. "By tracking my habits, I found I was drinking more than 2,000 calories in soda per day." In addition to becoming mindful about the types and amounts of food and beverages he was consuming and using the MOVE! Food and Physical Activity Log for tracking, Robert also learned how to increase his physical activity through methods such as stretching in bed and dancing. "Exercise can be fun," he shares.
Improving His Health
Since starting MOVE! again in 2020, Robert has lost over 40 pounds and noticed significant differences in his life. In addition to losing weight, reducing his medications, and improving his mood, he has also reduced his chronic pain so that he can enjoy dancing and being social. MOVE! helped Robert change his life for the better, and he wants people to know what they can accomplish, saying "I want my story to help other Veterans."