Walking the Path to Better Health
Veteran Garold Richman recommitted himself to a healthy lifestyle and reaped the benefits.
With the help of the MOVE! team at the South Jordan VA Clinic in South Jordan, UT, Garold rediscovered his motivation to maintain a healthy weight.
Making a Comeback
Garold's experience with the MOVE! Weight Management Program for Veterans began when he first participated several years ago and achieved his weight loss goal. As time went by, he found himself reverting to previous habits and gaining the weight back again. By June 2019, his weight was contributing to health issues, such as diabetes, a lack of energy, and sleep problems. When Garold's health care team suggested that he give MOVE! another try, he restarted the program with renewed dedication.
I highly recommend the MOVE! program.
Garold Richman
A Year of Success
Garold shares that after restarting MOVE!, he began to adopt the changes to his lifestyle that had previously helped him find success. In addition to changing his eating and drinking habits to control for portion size and incorporate healthier choices, he also began walking 10,000 steps every day. Together, the adjustments that Garold made to his routine empowered him to lose 100 pounds in a year and improve his overall health.
Striving to Maintain
Garold explains that after this first year, he continued to engage with MOVE! in order to ensure that this time, his success would remain permanent. Though he encountered a slight setback when the COVID-19 pandemic affected in-person classes, he persevered and achieved renewed success when classes resumed in 2022. Says Garold, "I have found the meeting weigh-ins to be very motivating…also, I feel much better, I am able to move more, and have more energy. My diabetes is under control and I no longer need to use oxygen during the day."
The Drive to Change
Garold explains that the primary reason for his success with MOVE! was his determination to improve his health for the long term. He also credits the accountability and support offered by the MOVE! team and his family.