Giving 110% for Better Health
Veteran John Bates combined several small steps that led to major changes over time to manage his weight and improve his health.
With the help of the MOVE! team at the VA Central California Health Care System in Fresno, CA, John transformed his lifestyle as part of his plan to achieve his health goals.
Answering the Call
John had been working on losing weight for some time before he started the MOVE! Weight Management Program for Veterans in December 2023. In addition to managing his diabetes and other health issues, John was motivated to change in memory of his sister, who had suffered from similar health challenges. He had been using VA's telehealth option to help manage his diabetes, so the TeleMOVE! option was a perfect fit for him.
If you don't want it, it ain't going to happen. Don't do it ‘cause it's popular. It'll help save your life.
John Bates
Building a Plan
John had already begun to change his behaviors in order to manage his diabetes, and with MOVE!, he learned new strategies to improve his health and reach a healthy weight. Before MOVE!, "I never counted calories," he explains. "It seems to have worked." In addition to being more mindful about portion sizes and the types of food and drink he consumed, John increased his physical activity. "In the beginning, I had to do chair exercises until I lost enough weight… [to] start walking," he shares. Eventually, he was able to confidently add walking to his activities, progressing from short distances using a cane at first to walking independently without it.
Enjoying Better Health
Since starting MOVE! in December 2023, John has lost nearly 120 pounds! As he continues to strive for a healthy weight, he has realized many health benefits of his new lifestyle. His blood sugar level has improved and he no longer requires medication for diabetes. John's blood pressure and kidney function have also improved, and he shares that due to his increased physical activity and lower weight, he feels more energetic. "You have to go at it 110%," John explains. Thanks to that attitude and his commitment, John will surely continue to achieve his goals.